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Hi, what is the license for this asset? Can I use it in a commercial project? Love them btw. Thanks

its cc0 license so you can use it in commercial project.

Great thanks for the quick response. Awesome assets. Also, is there any way to change the brightness of the lights?

ya could lower the emission strength before baking GI or add in your light source to act as bulbs on the ceiling, whichever works for you



Hi I'm downloaded this asset from unity asset store. I'm imported it my project. But material's shader was 'Hidden/InternalError'. What should I select type of shader? thank you

hi, i suggest creating a new material applying the textures to it and applying it on the appropriate material slot in the fbx,

im really sorry, i cant help you there as i dont have unity installed at the moment


Thank you! If anyone have a same issue, set urp your project and reimport this asset. It will be solved material problem.

+) This asset is perfect

I tried loading up the TestLevel in Godot, but seems it's missing a Tutorial/FPS/player scene.

hey, im sorry about that, i removed the player scene so it should open fine without errors now, so just re-download the godot files and ya should be good to go,

